visszaugrás a fő oldalra

3D nyomtatásról általában

A 3D nyomtatás 3 dimenziós tárgyak készítésének módszere számítógépes modell alapján. Napjainkban több különböző formája létezik a 3D nyomtatásnak. A Dremel 3D nyomtatói az úgynevezett "Fused Filament Fabrication" (FFF) módszerrel működnek, olvasztott műanyag rétegek egymásra építésével készül el a végleges tárgy.

A minőség számos tényezőtől függ, mint a rétegek vastagsága, vagy a szeletelő szoftver beállításai. A Dremel nyomtatók a papírlapnál is vékonyabb rétegekben viszik fel a filamentet, 50-300 mikron méretben (.05-3mm). Minél vékonyabbak a rétegek, annál részletesebb lesz a nyomtatás. A szeletelő beállítások is befolyásolhatják az eredmény minőségét. A DigiLab Szeletelő beállításai a Dremel 3D nyomtatóira optimalizáltak.

3D20: Maximum méret 9” x 5.9” x 5.5” (230mm x 150mm x 140mm).
3D40, 3D40 Flex és 3D45: Maximum méret 10” x 6” x 6.7” (254mm x 154mm x 170mm). 30%-kal nagyobb, mint a 3D20."

A 3D objektum nyomtatásának időtartama függ a modell méretétől és komplexitásától. A Dremel 3D modellező fájlok megadják a becsült nyomtatási időt.

A rétegek vastagsága választható. A 3D40, 3D40 Flex és 3D45 nyomtatók maximális felbontása 50 mikron (0.05mm), a 3D20 maximális felbontása 100 mikron (0.1mm). Minél nagyobb a felbontás, annál vékonyabbak az egyes rétegek, és annál jobban fog kinézni a tárgy. A rétegvastagság a beállítástól függ:
Alacsony - 0.3mm
Közepes - 0.2mm
Magas - 0.1mm
Ultra - 0.05mm (csak a 3D40 és 3D45 esetében)

Objects sticking to the build platform is a good thing as they require a firm adhesion to the build platform during the build process. This is to ensure that the object remains stable throughout building. If your prints are too difficult to remove, your nozzle may be too close to the build platform. You may need to adjust your first layer height which is available in the settings menu (Assisted Nozzle Gap Calibration). Please find the instructions for assisted nozzle gap calibration here: how to self repair Please contact customer service if you have any questions, or this does not work. See instruction manual for object removal instructions.

There are many reasons why objects may not stick to the build platform. You should first ensure that you have clean, debris free build tape and that it is not torn or ripped. Next, check that the build platform is level. These are the two most common causes for builds not sticking. If your prints still do not stick, your nozzle may be too far from the build platform. You may need to adjust your first layer height which is available in the settings menu (Assisted Nozzle Gap Calibration). Please find the instructions for assisted nozzle gap calibration here: how to self repair Please contact customer service if you have any questions, or this does not work.

Yes. You can pause a build, then change filament during the pause. The print can easily be resumed when you have completed the filament change process.

Your may need to optimize the model design. Angles greater than 45 degrees from vertical will require external supports to prevent it from collapsing. Also, even with supports, some models may require a specific orientation to be stable while printing, or an extra layer to help the model stick. In the Digilab slicer try clicking "Generate Support" and "Build Plate Adhesion". If you are still having issues, please contact customer service for some additional ideas.

Yes, you can print such a model using supports generated by the slicing tool. In DigiLab Slicer, click the "Generate Support" button.

Supports are designed to be easy to remove and they should leave minimal marks on your print, however if you find some marks you can sand them with fine sanding paper.

Build tape is only required for 3D20, 3D40 and 3D40 Flex. The black build tape will last up to 50 prints; the blue build tape will last up to 10 prints. The black build tape can be cleaned with a mild spray cleaner, this should extend its life.

Both build tapes will provide the same quality of build, the main difference is that the black build tape is more durable, and will hold objects tighter.

The best orientation for printing usually minimizes any horizontal overhangs that would require support and maximizes the build plate contact area. These are not always the same position, and some experimentation may be required to optimize.

This is called a skirt or brim and is used to prime the nozzle to ensure smooth filament flow before beginning to print the real model.

You can register your 3D40 or 3D45 printers on the Dremel Print Cloud service. This allows you to upload models, manipulate, slice, start a print and monitor your print until completion. If you have a 3D45 printer, you will get a feed from the onboard camera to show its progress. The Dremel print cloud can be accessed here: software page

3D specific

"3D20: quick start guide, PLA filament (1x .5kg spool), USB cable, SD card loaded with model files and Dremel3D software, build tape, an object removal tool, instruction manual, unclog tool, and leveling sheet. 3D40: quick start guide, PLA filament (1x .5kg spool), USB cable, USB Flash drive loaded with model files and Digilab Slicer Software, build tape (2), an object removal tool, instruction manual, unclog tool, and build sheet. 3D40 FLEX: quick start guide, PLA filament (1x .5kg spool), USB cable, USB Flash drive loaded with model files and Digilab Slicer Software, build tape (2), an object removal tool, instruction manual, unclog tool, and flexible build plate.3D45: quick start guide, ECO_ABS filament (1x .5kg spool), PETG filament (1x .5kg spool), USB cable, USB Flash drive loaded with model files and Digilab Slicer Software, build platform glue, an object removal tool, instruction manual, unclog tool, and build sheet."

Dremel 3D Printer and Dremel PLA filament is sold a select stores nationwide and also online. Digilab online dealer locator

3D20: There is no door lock or monitoring on the Dremel 3D20. 3D40 and 3D45: The doors are monitored, and both doors must be closed to initiate a remote print from the Dremel Printcloud. This ensures that there are no hands inside the printer when a print is started from a user who is not near it. During any other time, including building an object, opening a door will cause a warning notice to display on the screen.

No, there is no emergency stop button, however, on all Dremel 3D Printers, the side power switch will immediately cut power to the printer.

The 3D40 and 3D45 Printers come with "Quik Level", which is a feature that is capable of detecting the position of the build platform with the use of smart sensor technology. It creates a reference point in the back of the build platform, then transfers that level to the front two adjustable points. It then directs the adjustment until all points are at the same level.

Please refer model comparison chart on our website to see the differences between the 3D20 3D40 and 3D45.

No, all of Dremel's 3D Printers (3D20, 3D40, 3D45) are constructed as single extruder systems. comparison chart

The 3D45 adds several features over the 3D40:

  • Support for multiple filament types. PLA, ECO-ABS, Nylon and PETG at launch with more to come later.
  • Camera for remote monitoring of builds
  • Filament type and length detection
  • Heated build platform to reduce model warping
  • Larger touchscreen and new user interface
  • Exhaust air filter, particulate and active carbon

The heated build platform helps prevent builds from warping. This is especially true with more technical materials like Nylon and ECO-ABS.

The supplied glue is the best, safest, material we could find that would work with all filaments supported by the 3D45. It provides a strong adhesion that helps prevent builds from failing.

Remove it from the printer and rinse it under warm water. The glue will dissolve. After the build platform is clean, allow it to dry completely before reinstalling it into the 3D45.

The glue on the build plate does not need to be cleaned every build. You can scrape rough edges off after a build, and applying more glue. This can work well once you build up a few layers. You would need to wash it if there are deep gouges in the glue layer, or it has built up unevenly and make the build platform unlevel.

If you observe glue residue on the level sensor, you can gently scrape it off with a side-to-side motion. Do not use tools that are sharp or may pinch the plunger. Be careful to not touch the nozzle behind the level sensor, it may be hot.

The RFID Tag allows the Digilab 3D45 printer to identify what type of filament is loaded into it. With this information, the 3D45 will set the correct temperatures and print speed to ensure your selected model prints optimally. It will even do this if the original print file was sliced for a different material. The RFID tag also allows the 3D45 to keep track of the amount of filament remaining on the spool so it can warn you if there is not enough to complete a print.

Using Dremel Slicing sofware you can print over Local Area Network (LAN) with camera support. Please find the instructions here:

For times when the glue holds too well, we have found it best to use the provided removal tool (scraper). Work it under a corner or side and then continue to push it under the build until it releases.

The hose adapter is for use with a fume extraction system or for duct fan ventelation. First you will need to print the hose adapter file located on the printer. It can be printed out of any material (PLA, ECO-ABS, or Nylon). If you are using a fume extraction system, please be sure to turn it on every time you use your printer.

"The 3D45 chooses settings that are optimized for each type of filament. However we understand the need for adjustability. There are two levels of user control of print settings. 1. From the Main screen press FILAMENT > VIEW/EDIT FILAMENT SETTINGS. This will allow you to specify temperatures and speeds. These settings will be remembered for as long as that spool is loaded.2. From the Main screen press TOOLS > SETTINGS > ADV. MODE. Selecting ""PRIORITIZE G-CODE SETTINGS"" will set the printer to always use the print settings included in the print file. This allows you to change parameters in your slicer and have them faithfully used by the printer."

There is a particulate filter and an active carbon filter.

Dremel provides the ability to connect the 3D45 printers to ventalation systems and to fume extraction systems.

CAUTION: Use extra care not to damage the extruder tip when clearing debris. Dremel 3D Idea Builder will not work properly with damaged extruder tip and will require replacement.WARNING: Do not touch the extruder tip during Dremel 3D Idea Builder operation or until it has cooled down to 60°C (140°F). Contact with the extruder tip during or shortly after operation may result in personal injury.Using small needle nose pliers, pull away any plastic debris from the extruder tip.If the debris is stubborn, the extruder may need to be heated to make the debris soft enough to remove.


Dremel filament is manufactured to provide the highest quality during operation and will help your Dremel 3D printer run smoothly. Also the DigiLab 3D45 utilizes specific RFID information stored on each spool to ensure the correct temperature, speed, and other parameters are used for each different filament type.

All Dremel PLA is compatible with all the Dremel 3D printers. The advanced filament types (Eco-ABS, Nylon, etc) are only compatible with the new DigiLab 3D45.

For the Dremel 3D20 and 3D40 you should only use Dremel PLA filament. The DigiLab 3D45 supports Dremel PLA, Eco-ABS, and Nylon. Other filament types may cause damage to the printers and will void the warranty.

How long your filament lasts will depend on several factors including the print quality used, infill density, and the number of supports required. For an example, each Dremel PLA spool contains at least 175 meters of filament, and the standard Dremel Frog print requires approximately 5 meters of filament, so each spool should be able to print approximately 35 frogs.

Storing your filament correctly extends the usefulness of the filament. Filament should always be stored in a cool, dry environment unexposed to changes in temperature or humidity. Always keep your filament inside the shrink-wrap plastic until you are ready to use it. Filament that is exposed to humidity or temperature extremes can become brittle or difficult to melt.

No, Dremel has developed a specially modified PLA blend that mimics the properties of ABS. We have avoided ABS filament due to health concerns.

The Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are available for all Dremel filaments. Please contact the service department for copies.

The material specs for all of the filaments is located here: filament product page

This is because the desiccant pack that comes with the filament developed a tear. This is common, and the "dirt" you see within the packaging is a form of salt that keeps the filament dry during storage. After the filament is opened, this can be safely thrown away in the garbage. Even though this contains salt, please refrain from eating it.



3D20: Connect the printer to you computer with the USB cable. Click the ""Machine Inforation: button in the tools menu. Compare this against the latest version available for download on our website, here: <Add FirmWare URL>

3D40 and 3D45: Connect the printer to the internet using the ethernet cable or wifi. The printer will automatically check for updates every time you turn it on. There is also a ""Check for Updates"" button in the tools menu. If your machine is not connected to the internet, you can check the firmware version in the ""About"" screen in the tools menu and compare it to the version that is available for download on the website here .

First download the firmware package from the website here . Then, extract this zip file onto a blank USB drive. Turn off your printer and place the USB drive into the front port. Turn the printer back on, and follow the instructions that come up. If this does not work, please contact customer service here .

Your new Dremel printer will come with slicer software package pre-loaded on the USB drive (3D40,3D45) and the SD card (3D20). We have upgraded our slicer offerings with each printer release. You can find the latest version of DigiLab 3D Slicer here . this supports the 3D20, 3D40 and 3D45. There is also a cloud based remote printing service that can be used with 3D40 and 3D45, this allows remote slicing, starting, and monitoring prints. Remote monitoring includes status of locally started prints and video status for 3D45 only. You can log into the Dremel Print Cloud Here .

The Dremel 3D20 can only build .g3drem files, you can use Dremel Digilab 3D Slicer or Simplify3D to create these files. All of these programs can accept .STL and .OBJ files.

The Dremel 3D40 can build .g3drem, .gcode, and .g files, you can use Dremel Digilab 3D Slicer or Simplify3D to create these files. All of these programs can accept .STL and .OBJ files. The Dremel 3D45 can build .g3drem, .gcode, and .g files. You can use Dremel Digilab 3D Slicer or Simplify3D to create these files, these programs can accept .STL and .OBJ files.

Dremel has utilized the knowledge of the 3D printing community by using open source elements in our printers and slicing software. All attributions are made, and the applicable code is available to the community. Please refer to you manual for instructions.

Both 3D40 (latest firmware) and 3D45 will accept the following common gcode formats: .g3drem, .gcode, and .g. The officially supported slicers are: Dremel Digilab 3D Slicer, 3D PrinterOS and Simplify 3D. Although code from other slicers will run, you may need to optimize the settings yourself.

The picture information is included in the print file header. Some slicer programs like Print Studio are unable to generate the picture information, others have no problems. The presence of a picture will not affect the print quality in any way.

Yes, if that program creates a .g3drem, .gcode, or .g file. However, the profiles included in Print Studio, Digilab 3D Slicer, and Simplify 3D are optimized for the Dremel 3D Printers.

3D models should be saved in STL or OBJ format in the program used to create these files. You can then use any of the Dremel supported slicers to convert the files into buildable models. The supported slicers are: Dremel Digilab 3D Slicer, 3DprinterOS and Simplify 3D.

Yes, you can, the majority of modeling software can export files to STL, which is the file type accepted by Dremel Digilab 3D Slicer, 3DprinterOS and Simplify 3D.

If your model is too big and resizing is not an option, you will need to break the model into smaller pieces before slicing. This can be accomplished in TinkerCad and most other 3D programs.


Dremel 3D (3D20)

If the Dremel Digilab 3D software is unable to connect to the printer, first make sure that the USB cable is properly connected. Next you need to make sure that the driver is installed correctly. Check your operating system to troubleshoot driver installation. For further troubleshooting, contact customer service.

A model will be red if it is too big for the build area, floating above the build platform, or part of the model is positioned outside of the build area. Use the "Scale" and "Move" functions in the Dremel 3D software to adjust the model so that it is within the build area.

This could be caused by a few different reasons. A common reason is that a model file was saved outside of the build area or was scaled too small for you to see. It is recommend that you use the "Move" function to center the model and the "Scale" function to increase the model size.

Unfortunately Dremel 3D does not have the ability to repair models. Your best bet is to try Print Studio, or Digilab 3D Slicer as both have the ability to work with imperfect models.


Dremel Digilab 3D Slicer (3D40 & 3D45)

The Dremel Digilab 3D Slicer is Dremel's own slicing software. It is based on the open source Cura with several modifications that are specific to Dremel printers. We will continue to develop 3D Slicer to improve its capabilities and ease of use.

Supported operating systems:
Apple® Mac® OS® not supported at this time - Will be in first update.Microsoft® Windows® 7 SP1, 64-bit (32-bit not supported)
Microsoft Windows 8.1, 64-bit (32-bit not supported)
Microsoft Windows 10, 64-bit (32-bit not supported)
Minimum Windows system specifications:
CPU: 64-bit processor (32-bit not supported)
Memory: 3 GB RAM (4 GB or more recommended)
Storage: 300 MB free disk space for installation
Graphics: OpenGL 2 compatible graphics chip, OpenGL 4.1 for 3D Layer view

You can now use your 3D20 with the Digilab 3D Slicer.

Trouble shooting

It is possible that the model you are trying to build is corrupt, or of an unsupported type. Please turn the off then back on again and try to print one of the pre-loaded models. Also check to make sure that the firmware is up to date as there were issues with alternate file types in earlier versions.

Extruder misalignment is most often caused by a tangle in the filament spool. This prevents the extruder from moving to the right. Check to make sure the spool is freely feeding filament. Misalignment can also be caused when portions of a multiple part build become loose from the build platform, these loose pieces can become wedged between the extruder and other parts of the build. If this issue happens repeatedly, please contact customer service .

"3D20: The build platform has become unlevel, please re-level using the supplied leveling shim.3D40/3D45: First try releveling the build platform. If the problem persists, you may need to adjust your noozle gap which is available in the settings menu (asissted nozzle gap calibration). You can find the instructions here: self repair Please contact customer service if you have any questions, or this does not work.

Most clogs are due to non-melting debris that gets into the extruder. That is why is it important to keep filament clean when it is open, but not being used. Clogs can also be caused by too much retraction in print files, using a high print temperature with a low melt-point filament, and jagged or bent ends during a filament change.

You can unclog your extruder by using the unclog tool and following the steps here: self repair . If that does not work, please contact customer service .

3D20: Please ensure the extruder wire tube (tube with black mesh housing) moves freely and is located away from the build platform and guide rails. If caught on the build platform, the extruder will not return to home position and a loud noise may occur.3D40 and 3D45: Ensure that the filament is not tangled on the spool. Also check to see if the extruder is caught on the build platform or an object built on it.

This may be the result of a build failure due to poor model adhesion. If a build does not stick well to the build platform, it may be dragged around by the extruder. When this happens the filament that is extruded sticks and forms a large blob. To prevent this, keep your build surface level and tacky (good build tape, or glue). To remove the blob, fully preheat the extruder, then use a pair of needle nose pliers to pull it off (be careful not to damage the brass nozzle). If there is still an issue please contact customer service .

Clean your Dremel 3D printer's exterior with a lint free cloth. Clear the interior of visible debris. To avoid damaging your Dremel 3D printer do not use water, chemicals or other cleaners on the printer. Always check to ensure the extruder nozzle is clear of debris using common needle nose pliers.

3D20: Check the wire bundle behind the extruder, it may be getting pinched between the gantry and the build platform resulting in y belt slippage. 3D40: Ensure you are using the latest Firmware as early versions homed with more force. A protracted noise when the extruder reaches the home position could indicate a loose and skipping belt. Please contact customer service if this occurs regularly.3D45: A protracted noise when the extruder reaches the home position could indicate a loose and skipping belt. Please contact customer service if this occurs regularly.

All of Dremel's 3D printers will turn back on to an unheated idle state after a power disruption. The previous print project will be cancelled automatically. If the print head is still hot, the fans will turn on to cool it down.

We do not recommend you to print any object that will come in either direct or indirect contact with food.

First turn the spool approximately 1/2 turn and try the loading filament operation again. The printer will search during the loading operation. Watch the top status bar, it will display "Reading" when it is looking for the Filament. You may exit the loading operation after this reading operation completes. If it still does not detect the filament, you can select the type from the selection screen. If this problem persists or occurs on multiple spools, please contact customer service .


Please contact Dremel customer service department for service information. Visit support for contact information.

Dremel has service centers world wide. The address for returns can be found here

Yes. Dremel has worked hard to design your packaging so that un-boxing and boxing your Dremel 3D printer is quick and easy. The packaging will come in handy for future transportation and storage.